
Narrative  11

The baseball game:

I remember being a child I hated playing baseball. Mainly because I used to be a “benchwarmer.” Nothing more humiliating and nothing to make me love the game!

More than twenty years later I was taking a walk in the early evening in Lafontaine Park, with a hint of loneliness and melancholy in my heart, when I came across a baseball game played by a small band of youngsters.

There was something in the air that night that decided me to dwell: the shouts of encouragement from parents sitting in the small bleachers; the warmth of this late summer evening; the feeling to suddenly be in an American movie archetype on childhood nostalgia.

Those few minutes I spent watching this joust, which was ending, became one of my most beautiful moments of relaxation and well-being of my life; certainly in the top 10! I so wanted this game lasts and lasts...

Later, resuming my walk, I had a lighter heart; I had the feeling of having touched and "recovered" a part of my youth, my childhood, where I wasn’t able to enjoy this game in all its glory because of the spirit of fierce competition of my coaches of yesteryear.

I was so happy for those few minutes in the park as much as I am now revealing to you, with a colorful of grace, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance, this story which belongs to my childhood memory...

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